Family Show Summary
Our Family show gave us the opportunity to talk with several parents with disabilities and their family. We also learned about activities to preserve community services for families who have a child with a disability. Gene and Dave listed several resources for families who have a child with a disability and adoption related material.
Our guests:
Desiree, Chip, and Tasha Sturdevant
Contact Desiree at
Check out her blog at: Http://
Laura, Adam and Madeleine Griebel You may contact Laura at and by phone at (512)748-1361.
Terri Stellar, Dave Dauber, and their son Denver. Contact Dave at
Denise Sonleitner and her son Maverick, interviewed at the Capitol during the Texas Families Unite Rally to save community services for families with
Disability, March 14, 2011. Contact Denise at
Special thanks to Linda and Amy Litzinger for their on the scene correspondence and videography for that segment.
(We apologize for not getting that in the credits.)
Texas Parent to Parent
3710 Cedar St.
Box 12 Austin, Texas 78705-1449
Toll-free 866-896-6001
Local: 512-458-8600
Texas Parent to Parent (TxP2P) is committed to improving the lives of Texas children who have disabilities, chronic illness, and/or special health care needs. TxP2P empowers families to be strong advocates through parent-to-parent support, resource referral, and education. In addition, TxP2P educates professionals about the unique needs of our children with the goal of improving care and opportunities for our children. Lastly, TxP2P is dedicated to championing the efforts of a diverse set of parent support groups and advocacy on behalf of our children’s well-being.
Partners Resource Network
1090 Longfellow Drive
Suite B
Beaumont, TX 77706
Phone: 409-898-4684
TX Parents Only: 1-800-866-4726
Fax: 409-898-4869
Partners Resource Network (PRN) is a non-profit agency that operates the statewide network of federally funded Parent Training and Information Centers (PTI’s) in Texas. The PTI Projects are: PATH, PEN, and TEAM.
The programs and services of PRN are based on the concept of parents helping parents. Their mission is to empower parents of children and youth with disabilities in their roles as parents, decision makers, and advocates for their children and to promote partnerships among parents and professionals.
Susan Stephens
Founder / President
Family Network TV and Radio serves as a conduit connecting families to diagnosis specific organizations with families navigating similar journey’s.
Through the Looking Glass is a center that has pioneered research, training, and services for families in which a child, parent or grandparent has a disability or medical issue.
Dave’s Recommendations
Baby vest at to secure Denver to Dave’s lap.
The Question of David – Jocabson
A touching, unique and beautiful account of a couple, both with cerebral palsy, who adopt a baby boy and raise him on their own.