
You can support us directly using our PayPal Donate Link.

The Gene and Dave Show is sponsored by Art SparkTexas which is a 501(c)(3) organization. That means it is a not-for-profit organization. When you donate to Art Spark Texas, your contribution is tax deductible. Make your check payable to Art Spark Texas, and, this is very important, on the memo line, write “Gene and Dave Show”.


Mail it to:

Gene and Dave c/o Celia Hughes, Exec. Director
VSA arts of Texas
3710 Cedar Street #7
Austin, Texas 78705


Gene and Dave have a lot of expenses producing their show, from basic supplies and captioning services to hiring certified studio crew. Gene and Dave raise all the money themselves. Consider donating $180 to caption a single show. If you have access to audio/visual supplies, consider donating HD camcorder tapes, camera filters and the like. We always appreciate volunteers with camera operating experience, closed captioning knowledge, and Final Cut Pro experts to help bring the show to more viewers.


Email to find out the current needs of the show. In reality though, checks are so, so, so much easier to handle.