Accessibility Internet Rally-Austin 2009

While other TV celebrities are playing golf, Gene and Dave are hard at work making their web site accessible. Gene and Dave have been learning a lot about accessibility, courtesy of Founded in 1999, Knowbility is a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that engenders the proliferation of accessible information technology. Knowbility’s mission is to support the independence of people with disabilities by promoting the use and improving the availability of accessible information technology. Be sure to see The Gene and Dave Show on Accessible IT, when we interview Knowbility’s Executive Director and co-founder, Sharron Rush.

Gene and Dave look at a computer screen with three other people

The Accessibility Internet Rally (AIR) is a unique, award-winning program that matches teams of web designers/developers with non-profit organizations to build new web sites or enhance existing ones to make them more accessible for people with disabilities. In above picture, Gene and Dave stare in amazement at web sites created by their partners, TradeMark Media, in Austin in September of 2009. If that name sounds familiar, it should. TradeMark Media has won many awards that keep them on the fore-front of accessible web content competition. They are one of, if not the, best web development companies in Austin, perhaps in all of Texas, maybe the U.S.

Competing as a Team

Competing as a team in AIR-Austin is a unique and educational experience.  Using web skills as designers, developers, and everything in between, teams can help to bring sustainable, accessible design to organizations in their community who are helping to make a difference every day. Gene and Dave tell Trademark Media what they want on their web site. Trademark Media then designs the entire site – and makes it accessible.